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Eng Course- Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Transpiration- Download Free PDF


The three major functions that are basic to plant growth and development are:
• Photosynthesis – The process of capturing light energy and converting it
to sugar energy, in the presence of chlorophyll using carbon dioxide (CO2)
and water (H2O).
• Respiration – The process of metabolizing (burning) sugars to yield
energy for growth, reproduction, and other life processes
• Transpiration – The loss of water vapor through the stomata of leaves
A primary difference between plants and animals is the
plant’s ability to manufacture its own food. In
photosynthesis, carbon dioxide from the air and water
from the soil react with the sun’s energy to form
photosynthates (sugars, starches, carbohydrates, and
proteins) and release oxygen as a byproduct. [Figure
Figure 1. In photosynthesis, the plant uses water
and nutrients from the soil, and carbon dioxide from
the air, with the sun’s energy to create
photosynthates. Oxygen is releases as a byproduct.


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