Scientific Name and Introduction: The sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) is a dicotyledonous,
perennial evergreen of the Rutaceae family that leads other Citrus species in both production area and value.
Fruit shape varies from spherical to oblong and ranges from seedless (0 to 6 seeds) to seeded (> 6 seeds).
Peel color at maturity ranges from light to deep orange but may remain green under warm conditions. Late
season ‘Valencia’ oranges may turn from orange to green (re-green) under warm conditions. Sweet oranges
are generally classified into one of four groups: 1) round oranges like ‘Valencia,’ ‘Hamlin,’ ‘Pineapple’ and
‘Shamouti’; 2) navel oranges like ‘Washington Navel’; 3) blood or pigmented oranges like ‘Moro’ and
‘Tarocco’; and 4) acidless oranges like ‘Succari.’ In the U.S., the leading orange growing states are Florida,
California, Texas and Arizona. Of these, Florida is the largest producer of oranges with over 90% going for
processing. California is the largest producer of oranges for the fresh market. Like all other citrus fruits,
oranges are non-climacteric with no postharvest ripening phase.
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