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Eng Course- Trumpet Guide- Download Free PDF

1. Without the trumpet or mouthpiece, have the beginner roll the lips inward as if saying the letter “M”.  Take
care that no red part of the lip shows and there is no rolled lips between the teeth. The teeth are virtually
2. Blow an airstream through the center of the lips without unrolling them.  Saying piiip or peeeeep with the
air can sometimes facilitate this action.
3. After this is accomplished, the teacher places the mouthpiece on the students lips during the “M” formation,
about half upper, half lower.
4. The student holds the mouthpiece (no buzz) that was accomplished through the rolled lips.
5. We then join the trumpet to the mouthpiece, with instructions on how to hold the trumpet, and the same
airstream exercise will produce a G on the second line or higher.  Certain points may need to be checked here
if no sound comes forth.  The airstream from the “M” position is crucial and some pressure is required so
that the rim of the mouthpiece holds the embouchure in place while the lips relax enough to vibrate.  The
sounded note G or higher indicates the necessary innate tension required in a good embouchure.  Nothing
lower than this G should be attempted for three to five days in order to set the embouchure.
6. Long tones are encouraged to strengthen the lips.  The player then works down to low C after the first three
to five day setting has taken place.  The lips will unroll and find a more flexible setting as the player extends
the range in both directions.  I have found this beginning rolled setting so much more successful than starting
with unrolled lips which produces a low C as the first note.  Too many range and endurance problems result
from this unrolled beginning lip position.
7. When it comes time for scales, I have found that the best thing to do is give the student the hardest scales
first.  Scales with five, or more flats are sharps, make the student work hard.  It is very important not to tell
the students that these are hard scales.  After learning the hardest scales first, the rest will be easy.


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