T R A N S L A T O R ' S P R E F A C E .
'But next to a new ~ i s t o & of Law, what we most require is a
new Philosophy of faw.'-Sir HENRY SUMNE~ MAINE.
KANT'S Science of Riyht ' is a complete exposition of the
Yhilosophy of Law, viewed as a rational investigation of
the fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence. It was
published in 1'796,2 as the First Part of his Metaphysic
of Mo~nls: the promised sequel and completion of the
Foundation for a ilfetaphysic of Movals~ published in
1'785. The irnportance and value o£ the great thinker's
exposition of the Science of Right, both as regards the
fundamental Principles of his own Practical Philosophy
and the general interest of the Philosophy of Law, were
at once recognised. A second Edition, enlarged by an
1 Rechtslehre.
It appeared soon after Michaelmas 1796, but with the year 1797 on
the title-page. This has given rise to some confusion regarding the date
of the first Edition, which is now usually quoteri as 1796-7. (Schubert,
Kant's Werke, Bd. ix. viii., and Biographie, p. 145.)
* Die Metaphysik der Sitten. Erster Theil. Metaphysische Anfangs-
gründe der Rechtslehre. Köriigsberg, 1797.
4 Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Translated by Willich
(1798), Semple (1836), and Abbott (1873).
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