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Eng Course- German language- Download Free PDF

1 What’s different in German? Basic tips and patterns 1
2 Verbs in the present tense 6
3 Verb variations and irregular verbs 12
4 Irregular verbs: haben and sein 19
5 Separable verbs in the present tense 24
6 Imperatives 30
7 Questions 36
8 Nouns and gender 42
9 Plural of nouns 50
10 The four cases 56
11 The nominative case 62
12 The accusative case 65
13 The dative case 70
14 The genitive case 75
15 Personal pronouns 79
16 Possessive adjectives 87
17 Reflexive verbs 92
18 Negatives 97
19 Comparison of adjectives and adverbs 102
20 Modal verbs 10921 The present perfect tense 116
22 The simple past tense 124
23 The future tense 130
24 Prepositions 135
25 Adjective endings 143
26 Numbers and dates 151
27 Conjunctions and clauses 158
28 Word order 167
Key to exercises and checklists 175
Glossary of grammatical terms 200
Common irregular verbs 203
Index 205

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