Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, first published in
English in 1982, is one of the Nobel Prizewinning author's shorter novels, but past and
current critics agree that the book's small size hides a huge work of art. According to
Jonathan Yardley in Washington Post Book World, Chronicle of a Death Foretold "is,
in miniature, a virtuoso performance."
The book's power lies in the unique way in which Garcia Marquez relates the plot of a
murder about which everyone knows before it happens. A narrator tells the story in the
first person, as a witness to the events that occurred. Yet the narrator is recounting the
tale years later from an omniscient point of view, sharing all of the characters'
thoughts. Garcia Marquez's use of this creative technique adds to the mystery of the
murder. In addition, the repeated foretelling of the crime helps build the suspense.
Even though the murderers' identities are known, the specific details of the killing are
Besides its unusual point of view, the book's themes also contribute to its success. The
question of male honor in Latin American culture underlies this story of passion and
crime. As in other Garcia Marquez works, there is also an element of the supernatural:
dreams and other mystical signs ominously portend the murder. Garcia Marquez's
artistry in combining these elements led critic Edith Grossman to say in Review,
"Once again Garcia Marquez is an ironic chronicler who dazzles the reader with
uncommon blendings of fantasy, fable, and fact."
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